Today we are going to provide you a tip that will help you answer most of your questions in regards to your server or VPS network speed.
This will help you identify better if the bottleneck is your network speed or you need to turn your searching to a different direction.
How to install Speedtest on your server
Ubuntu/Debian installation
sudo apt-get install gnupg1 apt-transport-https dirmngr
export INSTALL_KEY=379CE192D401AB61
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys $INSTALL_KEY
echo "deb generic main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/speedtest.list
sudo apt-get update
# Other non-official binaries will conflict with Speedtest CLI
# Example how to remove using apt-get
# sudo apt-get remove speedtest-cli
sudo apt-get install speedtest
Fedora/CentOS/RedHat Installation
sudo yum install wget
wget -O bintray-ookla-rhel.repo
sudo mv bintray-ookla-rhel.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
# Other non-official binaries will conflict with Speedtest CLI
# Example how to remove using yum
# rpm -qa | grep speedtest | xargs -I {} sudo yum -y remove {}
sudo yum install speedtest